Marketplace Morning Report for Thursday November 27, 2014
Nov 27, 2014

Marketplace Morning Report for Thursday November 27, 2014


Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is meeting Thursday, and with oil prices at a four-year low the group is at a crossroads. Scott Tong tells us about OPEC's tough choice: cut production and sacrifice market share to raise prices, or stay the course and let prices keep falling. Plus, from northern Michigan’s largest food pantry in Traverse City, we look at how they are handling the demand on their help this holiday season. Finally, they call it the shopping season for a reason. American consumers are expected to spend a third of their annual retail expenditures between now and the end of the year. We take a look at what day is best to buy. 

Segments From this episode

How free tuition spurred new interest in college

Nov 27, 2014
Tennessee Promise is as much an experiment in marketing as it is in funding.

Inside a food pantry during its busy season

Nov 27, 2014
Traverse City, Michigan, is home to one of the state's largest food pantries. Here's how it's handling demand for its services.

EU votes to push Google break-up

Nov 27, 2014
Lawmakers say Google shouldn't promote its own services in search results.

OPEC is stuck between lots of oil and a hard place

Nov 27, 2014
With oil prices falling, the group will have to give up market share or profits.

PODCAST: EU pushes Google break-up

Nov 27, 2014
First off, the EU has voted overwhelmingly to break up Google and other search engines to prevent them from stacking results with their own services. We’ll talk about what the vote means and doesn’t mean. Then, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is meeting Thursday, and with oil prices at a four-year low the group is at a […]

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is meeting Thursday, and with oil prices at a four-year low the group is at a crossroads. Scott Tong tells us about OPEC’s tough choice: cut production and sacrifice market share to raise prices, or stay the course and let prices keep falling. Plus, from northern Michigan’s largest food pantry in Traverse City, we look at how they are handling the demand on their help this holiday season. Finally, they call it the shopping season for a reason. American consumers are expected to spend a third of their annual retail expenditures between now and the end of the year. We take a look at what day is best to buy.