Juul e-cigarettes could be targeting a more mature audience

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
No more people under the age of 35 in Juul ads, social media or product placement – it's all a part of massive tentative settlement for the e-cigarette maker. Susan Schmidt of Exchange Capital Resources drops some market insight for us. There's a different side of the supply chain saga – retailers are now dealing with too much stuff.
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The team
David Brancaccio
Victoria Craig
Host, BBC
Stephen Ryan
Senior Producer, BBC
Meredith Garretson Morbey
Senior Producer
Alex Schroeder
Erika Soderstrom
Redmond Carolipio
Digital Producer
Ariana Rosas
Jarrett Dang
Digital Producer (gone fishing)
Jesson Duller
Media Producer
Brian Allison
Technical Director
Nick Esposito
Media Producer