Even banks think they live in a world of too much stress
Dec 26, 2024

Even banks think they live in a world of too much stress

The banking industry is suing over the way the Federal Reserve conducts its annual stress tests. We'll hear more.

Segments From this episode

Yelp turns 20

As we close out the year and look ahead at 2025, we wanted to mark an anniversary of sorts: 20 years ago, the online review site Yelp was launched — the name reportedly a mashup of “help” and “Yellow Pages.” We’ll hear a dispatch from today’s episode of “Marketplace Tech.”

What the passion of soccer fans reveals about economic decision making

English Premier League fans bet on their favorite teams even against the odds, highlighting the role of emotion rather than rationality.
Arsenal fans at an English Premier League match in January. Love for a team may not lead to the best betting outcomes.
Justin Setterfield/Getty Images

The team

Leanna Byrne Host, BBC
Kelly Silvera Executive Producer
Meredith Garretson Morbey Senior Producer
Alex Schroeder Producer
Erika Soderstrom Producer
Ariana Rosas Producer
Nic Perez Director/Producer
Dylan Miettinen Digital Producer
John Bruington Media Producer
Jesson Duller Media Producer
Brian Allison Technical Director
James Graham Producer, BBC
Jo Critcher Producer, BBC
Naomi Rainey Producer, BBC