The reality of the gender pay gap in the U.S.

"We know, going into the pandemic, that women of color actually owned pennies on the dollar compared to white men and white women," said Heather McCulloch who runs Closing the Women’s Wealth Gap.
LaylaBird via Getty Images
Today is Equal Pay Day for women, which marks how long into 2021 the average woman would have to work in order to earn the same income that the average man earned in 2020. Plus, inside Robinhood's plans for an IPO.
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The team
David Brancaccio
Victoria Craig
Host, BBC
Stephen Ryan
Senior Producer, BBC
Jonathan Frewin
Producer, BBC
Daniel Shin
Jay Siebold
Technical Director
Meredith Garretson Morbey
Senior Producer
Alex Schroeder
Erika Soderstrom
Rose Conlon
Brian Allison
Technical Director