12/22/2017: A bitcoin plummet
Dec 22, 2017

12/22/2017: A bitcoin plummet


(Markets Edition) The value of bitcoin dipped 25 percent this morning — the equivalent of the Dow falling 6,000 points. Chris Vecchio, senior currency strategist at DailyFX, joined us to discuss whether this means the cryptoocurrency's bubble has burst. Afterwards, we'll look at how recovery efforts in Florida following Hurricane Irma have been uneven, and made already-vulnerable communities even more vulnerable. 

(Markets Edition) The value of bitcoin dipped 25 percent this morning — the equivalent of the Dow falling 6,000 points. Chris Vecchio, senior currency strategist at DailyFX, joined us to discuss whether this means the cryptoocurrency’s bubble has burst. Afterwards, we’ll look at how recovery efforts in Florida following Hurricane Irma have been uneven, and made already-vulnerable communities even more vulnerable.