Cookbooks: A recipe for success in an ailing industry
It's Cyber Monday, and more people than ever are using their mobile devices to get those deals. Voter turnout was great these past midterm elections, which has had a significant impact on how initiatives get on the ballot. And for all the talk of an ailing publishing industry, cookbook sales are sizzling.
Today's show is sponsored by Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and the Alliance for Lifetime Income.
It’s Cyber Monday, and more people than ever are using their mobile devices to get those deals. Voter turnout was great these past midterm elections, which has had a significant impact on how initiatives get on the ballot. And for all the talk of an ailing publishing industry, cookbook sales are sizzling.
Today’s show is sponsored by Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and the Alliance for Lifetime Income.