President Trump is preparing for his first G7 meeting in Sicily, Italy, where trade policy and climate change will be on the agenda — topics that he and other countries don't exactly see eye to eye on. On today's show, we'll take a closer look at these sources of tension. Afterwards, we'll discuss how much U.S. lemon growers could lose out on from the USDA's decision to lift an Argentine lemon ban, and then examine how the affordable housing crisis is affecting minority families.
President Trump is preparing for his first G7 meeting in Sicily, Italy, where trade policy and climate change will be on the agenda — topics that he and other countries don’t exactly see eye to eye on. On today’s show, we’ll take a closer look at these sources of tension. Afterwards, we’ll discuss how much U.S. lemon growers could lose out on from the USDA’s decision to lift an Argentine lemon ban, and then examine how the affordable housing crisis is affecting minority families.