03/23/2018: A Trump tweet puts a government shutdown back on the table

(Markets Edition) Congress recently approved a $1.3 trillion bill, but this battle isn't over yet. President Trump just tweeted that he might veto the measure, shortly before the stock market opened. We'll talk to Christopher Low, chief economist at FTN Financial, about how the markets are doing. Afterwards, with news that Toys R Us is closing its stores, we'll look at how its decision to file for bankruptcy has affected suppliers and workers.
(Markets Edition) Congress recently approved a $1.3 trillion bill, but this battle isn’t over yet. President Trump just tweeted that he might veto the measure, shortly before the stock market opened. We’ll talk to Christopher Low, chief economist at FTN Financial, about how the markets are doing. Afterwards, with news that Toys R Us is closing its stores, we’ll look at how its decision to file for bankruptcy has affected suppliers and workers.