A volatile stock market means good news for hedge funds

We talk to Chris Low, chief economist at FTN Financial about some new inflation data and how the benchmark 10-year interest rate is down. We also turn our attention to how the chaos of the stock market was actually welcome activity for hedge funds, which were made for this sort of thing. Then we head to Iran, where a Boeing 737 has been stuck since a technical issue cause it to land at Shiraz Airport. The delay is partly due to the U.S. government shutdown. Anu Anand of the BBC has more. Today's show is sponsored by PDFfiller, Pitney Bowes and Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage.
We talk to Chris Low, chief economist at FTN Financial about some new inflation data and how the benchmark 10-year interest rate is down. We also turn our attention to how the chaos of the stock market was actually welcome activity for hedge funds, which were made for this sort of thing. Then we head to Iran, where a Boeing 737 has been stuck since a technical issue cause it to land at Shiraz Airport. The delay is partly due to the U.S. government shutdown. Anu Anand of the BBC has more. Today’s show is sponsored by PDFfiller, Pitney Bowes and Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage.