(U.S. Edition) About 12,000 retail stores are expected to close over the course of 2018. With this massive upheaval in the industry, we'll take a look at how mall operators are responding to these closures, and then talk to Stuart Appelbaum — president of the Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union — about whether retail workers will band together like coal workers have. Plus: How big tech companies are helping the Nasdaq reach record highs.
(U.S. Edition) About 12,000 retail stores are expected to close over the course of 2018. With this massive upheaval in the industry, we’ll take a look at how mall operators are responding to these closures, and then talk to Stuart Appelbaum — president of the Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union — about whether retail workers will band together like coal workers have. Plus: How big tech companies are helping the Nasdaq reach record highs.