This week, credit card companies have rolled out a new system. If you miss one payment on a single credit card, all of your credit card rates might be increased. Marketplace's Jeff Tyler reports on what universal default might mean for you. Bond market investors might face their greatest challenge since the Great Depression. We'll hear the forecast for the bond market post Hurricane Katrina. Plus, our semi-regular work contributor, Michael Laskoff, takes us inside the world of headhunters.
This week, credit card companies have rolled out a new system. If you miss one payment on a single credit card, all of your credit card rates might be increased. Marketplace's Jeff Tyler reports on what universal default might mean for you. Bond market investors might face their greatest challenge since the Great Depression. We'll hear the forecast for the bond market post Hurricane Katrina. Plus, our semi-regular work contributor, Michael Laskoff, takes us inside the world of headhunters.