Marketplace Money for June 14-15, 2008
Jun 13, 2008

Marketplace Money for June 14-15, 2008


Marketplace Money for June 14-15, 2008

Segments From this episode

When is it time for bankruptcy?

Jun 13, 2008
Bankruptcies are up 27% this year. Host Tess Vigeland looks beyond the statistics and talks to a listener who fears bankruptcy may be his only choice.
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Mario Tama/Getty Images

Bankruptcy 101

Jun 13, 2008
So what do you do when you're out of financial options? Tess talks to law professor David Skeel about what to think about when you're considering bankruptcy.
David Skeel
UPenn Law

Straight Story: Housing forecast

Jun 13, 2008
What should you believe when every housing figure points a different direction? Economics editor Chris Farrell cuts through the confusion and sets the story straight on the housing market.

Planning for death: Reverend

Jun 13, 2008
Reverend Zelda Kennedy talks about getting past the discomfort of planning for the end and the importance of making your wishes clear.

Do you need a will?

Jun 13, 2008
More than half of Americans don't have a will. Tess talks to Kiplinger's John Ventura about the importance of having your affairs in order.

Getting Personal

Jun 13, 2008
In this edition of Getting Personal, Chris and Tess talk about a relative's financial deal, types of credit scores, rewards checking accounts and pooling money to buy a house.
Getting Personal

Day in the Work Life: The Replacements

Jun 13, 2008
Break a plate? Lose that serving spoon? On this week's "A Day in the Work Life," we visit a store that helps you track down that one missing piece.

How to write a will

Jun 13, 2008
Now that you've decided to write a will, what things do you need to consider? Tess continues her conversation with Kiplinger's John Ventura.

Student loans meet social networks

Jun 13, 2008
With banks getting out of the student loan business, students are turning to the Internet -- and sometimes total strangers -- to cover the cost of school. Nancy Marshall Genzer has more.

Marketplace Money for June 14-15, 2008