Marketplace Money for April 19-20, 2008
Apr 18, 2008

Marketplace Money for April 19-20, 2008


Marketplace Money for April 19-20, 2008

Segments From this episode

Paying egg-stra

Apr 18, 2008
With food prices on the rise, Sarah Gardner asks why it costs twice as much to make an omelette. She discovers cracking the price of eggs is quite the riddle.

Staying healthy outside the nest

Apr 18, 2008
Full-time students can use their parents' insurance, but as graduation nears, Tess asks Stephen Finan about health care options after college.

Straight Story: IRAs for all

Apr 18, 2008
Half of workers have no way to save for retirement. Economics editor Chris Farrell sets the story straight on a California proposal to give every worker a retirement savings plan.

Cracking open your nest egg

Apr 18, 2008
With loans harder to come by, more Americans have resorted to raiding their 401(k)s, but as Josephine Bennett reports, borrowing early can have big consequences.

Avoiding the home equity freeze

Apr 18, 2008
Promised a pile of cash for your home equity? Carolyn Bigda tells Tess about how some banks are cutting back and what you can do to protect yourself.

Getting Personal

Apr 18, 2008
In this edition of Getting Personal, Chris and Tess talk about college savings, starting a retirement plan for a parent, paying for retirement and whether or not to to file taxes.
Getting Personal

Day in the Work Life: Theater owner

Apr 18, 2008
It's not the most lucrative business in town, but a life in the theater has it's perks. On this week's A Day in the Work Life, we meet Off-Broadway theater owner Peter Martin.

The Office of Financial Empowerment

Apr 18, 2008
Cash incentives and financial education have often been the purview of non-profits, but as Alisa Roth reports, New York City is throwing it's hat in the ring.

Buzzword: Rescue scam

Apr 18, 2008
Life is hard enough without having to decipher everything. This week, friendly company trying to save you from foreclosure or "rescue scam?"

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

Apr 18, 2008
As the financial news remains focused on mortgages, we're hearing more about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Tess asks Susan Wachter for a little help with the who's who.

Marketplace Money for April 19-20, 2008