What’s better: real or fake Christmas trees?

We’ve been talking a lot about coronavirus vaccines on the show lately, and for good reason. But it’s also the holiday season, so for this Whadda Ya Wanna Know Wednesday, we’re tackling a perennial question: What’s better for the environment, real or fake Christmas trees? Plus, we’ll talk about solar power and bring in a ringer to talk about a certain logo Kai Ryssdal can’t stand. But first, yes, a little more about vaccines.
Here’s everything we talked about today:
- “A Vaccine Is Coming: Can Employers Require Employees to Take it?” from The National Law Review
- “Yes, your boss can fire you if you refuse to get a Covid vaccine” from CNBC
- “Pandemic Is Ray of Light for Solar Industry” from The Wall Street Journal
- “What’s greener: a real Christmas tree or a fake one?” from Marketplace
- “Christmas tree sales are booming as pandemic-weary Americans seek solace.” from The New York Times
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