Bonus: Earth Day fundraiser
Apr 20, 2023
Season 2

Bonus: Earth Day fundraiser

You make our climate reporting possible.

We’re hard at work on the next season of “How We Survive,” but we’re dropping into your feed today to say thank you and to ask that you continue to support our climate journalism with a donation today — any amount helps.

Today, we’re going to give you a little peek behind the curtain to show you how we make “How We Survive,” so you can see where your dollars go.

We spent six months reporting on sea-level rise and hurricane risk in the Miami area. Because, as we know, the climate crisis makes hurricanes stronger, wetter and more destructive. And right as we were about to launch the podcast, Hurricane Ian, a Category 4 storm, tore through Florida, just north of where we were reporting. Our team sprang into action and quickly pivoted to cover the aftermath. 

We were able to do that because of donations from listeners like you.

We’ll play you one of those stories, along with a few more that focus on the dangers of the climate crisis and the solutions that’ll help people live safely in vulnerable coastal communities — at least for a while longer. These features aired on the Marketplace broadcast show and podcast but are new to “How We Survive” listeners.

Every donation makes a big difference. Give here:

The team

Amy Scott Host
Caitlin Esch Senior Producer
Hayley Hershman Senior Producer
Grace Rubin Assistant Producer