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Levi Bridges

Latest Stories (4)

Despite EU crypto sanctions, Russians are still using digital currencies

Sep 25, 2023
Crypto sanctions have caused headaches for many anti-war Russians who fled abroad, but crypto use within Russia is still common.
The goal of the the European Union's crypto restrictions is to stop sanctioned Russians from finding loopholes to move money out of Russia.
Matt Cardy/Getty Images

Sanctions and strong ruble challenge Russia's crypto mining industry

Aug 9, 2022
A cold climate and cheap energy have made Russia a destination for bitcoin mining. But new factors confront its cryptocurrency efforts.
The strength of the Russian ruble has made it costly to mine cryptocurrency there. Above, a bitcoin mining center in Kirishi, Russia.
Olga Maltseva/AFP via Getty Images

Ukraine works to remain focused on economic turnaround

Dec 30, 2019
Ukraine is slowly climbing out of recession, but there are bumps in the road.
St. Sophia's Cathedral in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Violent crime in El Salvador has taken a damaging toll on the country's economy

Mar 5, 2018
Temporary Protected Status ended for El Salvador, but many Salvadorans are still eager to work in the U.S. as undocumented immigrants.
Train tracks in Ixtepec, Mexico. Marvin Villalobos traveled along this railroad with his three brothers in 2017 on their way to find jobs in the United States. The trip turned fatal for Villalobos when he fell off a train.
Levi Bridges/ for Marketplace