Dan Boyce

Latest Stories (3)

Could 3D-printed homes help solve the affordable-housing crisis?

Dec 4, 2023
Upstart companies hope 3D printing can disrupt the sector by creating structures in a fraction of the time traditional methods require.
A finished Alquist 3D printed home. The technology only prints concrete walls, while elements like roofs, trusses and porches are still completed using traditional techniques.
Courtesy Alquist 3D

Millions of dilapidated houses sit vacant in the U.S. A Colorado college program aims to change that.

May 11, 2023
Construction students get blighted homes back on the market under the auspices of a community college program.
Jerry Begley, construction training program manager at Trinidad State College, points to the century-old earthen interior of a COPERR program project in the west end of town.
Dan Boyce

A new ride hailing startup bets on Teslas to differentiate itself

Jul 6, 2018
Teslyne, a new startup in Denver, is banking on customers paying more than they would for Uber or Lyft for the chance to ride in an electric Tesla. Unlike with Uber or Lyft, the company owns the Teslas and though it interacts with riders through an app, Teslyne CEO Kyle Ewing says it is “more […]