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EU-OPEC meeting
Alisa Roth
Dec 2, 2005
Officials from the European Union sit down with OPEC representatives today to discuss ways to stabilize the world oil market. Alisa Roth reports.
How safe is nanotechnology?
Janet Babin
Dec 2, 2005
A new Web site offers a clearinghouse of information for consumers concerned about the safety of nanotechnology. Janet Babin reports.
Minimum wage
Scott Jagow
Dec 1, 2005
Personal finance expert Chris Farrell talks to host Scott Jagow about the economics behind proposals to raise the federal minimum wage.
AIDS in China
Dec 1, 2005
China's millions of migrant workers are the target of China's latest effort to raise awareness about HIV/Aids. Today, on World Aids Day, the government launched a campaign to educate migrant workers about the disease. Ruth Kirchner reports from Beijing.
HIV awareness in India
Dec 1, 2005
The world's second most populous country is marking World AIDS Day today by trying to raise awareness about the disease... with cell phones. Miranda Kennedy reports.
More expensive credit
Dec 1, 2005
Credit card companies have begun to raise finance charges for unpaid balances. Stacey Vanek-Smith looks at why.
Direct-to-brain marketing
Nov 30, 2005
A new application for the MRI brain scan has marketers hoping they can create more effective ads. Michael Blieden has more.
For public good, not for profit.
Defense trade
Nov 30, 2005
American trade officials and defense industry representatives are in India this week to encourage more trade with the growing nation. Miranda Kennedy reports.
Hurricane costs
Nov 30, 2005
Today is the official end of hurricane season. Ashley Milne-Tyte looks at how much this year's storms have cost.
Nov 30, 2005
The SEC is considering a rule change that would allow companies to use e-mail to send proxy statements to shareholders. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.