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The state of bird flu
Dec 5, 2005
President Bush invites state officials to the White House today to discuss bird flu preparedness. As Gretchen Cook reports, what states really want to talk about is money.
Voting machines
Dec 5, 2005
The clock is ticking for states wanting to put electronic voting machines in place. Local officials must make sure their machines meet national reliability standards by the end of this year. As Stacey Vanek-Smith reports, there are security concerns.
Upscale holiday
Dec 5, 2005
The super rich are expected to spend more this holiday season than last. Can one household really spend $29,000 on shoes and handbags? Andrea Gardner finds out.
Berkshire Hathaway
Scott Jagow
Dec 5, 2005
Newsweek's Wall Street Editor Allan Sloan looks at the market for shares of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway stock with host Scott Jagow.
Baby pictures
Dec 2, 2005
From Seattle, Ruby De Luna looks at a fast growing niche in photography-pregnancy shots.
Wal-Mart's image problem
Dec 2, 2005
The retail giant's efforts to improve its image don't appear to be working. A new survey shows 56% of respondents think Wal-Mart "is bad for America." Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
EU-OPEC meeting
Alisa Roth
Dec 2, 2005
Officials from the European Union sit down with OPEC representatives today to discuss ways to stabilize the world oil market. Alisa Roth reports.
For public good, not for profit.
How safe is nanotechnology?
Janet Babin
Dec 2, 2005
A new Web site offers a clearinghouse of information for consumers concerned about the safety of nanotechnology. Janet Babin reports.
Minimum wage
Scott Jagow
Dec 1, 2005
Personal finance expert Chris Farrell talks to host Scott Jagow about the economics behind proposals to raise the federal minimum wage.
AIDS in China
Dec 1, 2005
China's millions of migrant workers are the target of China's latest effort to raise awareness about HIV/Aids. Today, on World Aids Day, the government launched a campaign to educate migrant workers about the disease. Ruth Kirchner reports from Beijing.