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Superfund's anniversary
Alex Cohen
Dec 29, 2005
This month marks the 25th anniversary of legislation that created the Superfund tax to clean up polluted industrial sites. But as Alex Cohen reports, the fund is currently out of money.
Casino landfall
Dan Grech
Dec 28, 2005
Mississippi has opened its first land-based Casino. As Dan Grech reports, it won't be its last.
Home sales outlook
Alex Cohen
Dec 28, 2005
The rollicking real estate market is expected to cool in some places and surge in others in 2006. Alex Cohen reports.
Giving back to India
Dec 28, 2005
Immigrants from India are putting a new spin on the time-honored practice of sending money back to their homeland. Miranda Kennedy has more.
Business in Iraq
Dec 28, 2005
GDP figures were released for Iraq this week, and the nation's economy is on pace to grow by 10% next year. As Ben Gilbert reports, rank-and-file businessmen hope that growth trickles down to them too.
Holiday Party in China: Guests Under Surveillance
Jocelyn Ford
Dec 26, 2005
It was an unusual RSVP....
Last-minute shopping
Alex Cohen
Dec 22, 2005
Perhaps the biggest trend in holiday shopping this year is procrastination. Alex Cohen reports on what it means for shoppers and retailers.
For public good, not for profit.
Medical device glitches
Helen Palmer
Dec 22, 2005
Recent problems with a blood sugar monitor are the latest in a series of medical device glitches this year. Helen Palmer looks at what's behind the trend.
Take that, you young whippersnappers
Dec 22, 2005
A new report shows that, contrary to popular belief, people over 50 can actually be more productive than younger workers. Hillary Wicai has more.
Inflation indicators
Scott Jagow
Dec 22, 2005
Personal finance expert Chris Farrell surveys inflation indicators with host Scott Jagow to evaluate how good a job the Fed is doing to keep prices down.