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Screen all cargo?

Jan 9, 2007
At the top of today's Democratic agenda: a bill to implement most of the 9/11 Commission recommendations, including screening all cargo that enters the U.S. by sea or air. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

I'll take those 2 companies over there

Jan 9, 2007
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez plans to nationalize his country's biggest telecom and power companies. And it's no accident both are controlled by U.S. firms. Dan Grech reports.

Haiti sinks hopes in treasure hunters

Jan 9, 2007
Treasure hunters regularly dive among the sunken ships that dot Haiti's waters. It's one thing to bring a haul up from the depths, and quite another to weather corruption and political instability. Reed Lindsay reports.

Apple picks up phone, drops Computer

Jan 9, 2007
Apple Computer has changed its name to just . . . Apple. CEO Steve Jobs made the announcement while unveiling the new iPhone today. Lisa Napoli was observing and talks with Kai Ryssdal about what's new — and exciting.

Feeding on myths, stories and image

Jan 9, 2007
Author Barry Glassner says for many Americans it's not "You are what you eat," it's "You eat what you think you are." He talks with Kai Ryssdal about his new book, "The Gospel of Food."

U.K. at risk of great depression

Jan 9, 2007
The singer Morrissey — not exactly Mr. Happy — is in talks with the BBC to write Britain's entry in a European song contest. The Marketplace Players have an exclusive version of what we might expect.

Chavez plunges down socialist path

Jan 9, 2007
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says he'll nationalize his country's largest phone company and utilities — a move that'll probably affect foreign investors. Louis Hamann reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Russia, Belarus still on the outs

Jan 9, 2007
The escalating dispute between Russia and Belarus over oil and gas prices has spilled over into Europe — but oil prices remain curiously unaffected. Stephen Beard explains.

Power shifting in Latin America

Jan 9, 2007
Nicaragua swears in new president Daniel Ortega tomorrow. He ruled that nation once before back in the '80s, allied with the Soviet Union. Nowadays, he's close to another U.S. foe. Dan Grech reports.

It's all about <i>how</i> you raise minimum wage

Jan 9, 2007
The federal minimum wage hasn't been touched in a decade, but it looks like it'll finally be bumped up to $7.25 an hour. Commentator and economist Len Burman says we oughta be doing this more often.