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No state royalties in Dem offshore plan

Sep 15, 2008
Offshore drilling is likely to come to a vote in the House this week. One difference between two of the competing measures is that one gives states a share of the oil revenues; the other doesn't. Steve Henn reports.

Lehman fails, Merrill sold, is AIG next?

Sep 15, 2008
Some are calling this weekend's events "a perfect storm." Alan Greenspan called the restructuring perhaps a "once-in-a-century" event. Amy Scott has more on what happened.

A Short Sale Warning

Sep 14, 2008
I'm doing some research into the trend in personal bankruptcies this morning, and I came on this blog,Bankruptcy Law Network: It's by bankruptcy...

Coupons: Quit snipping, start clicking

Sep 12, 2008
Tough times make those coupons in the Sunday paper even more tempting. But even that familiar search for savings is transforming in the Internet age. Janet Babin reports.

Incidental costs at college add up

Sep 12, 2008
After tuition and room and board, there's still the question of day-to-day expenses for your college student. Estimates are all over the map, so host Tess Vigeland takes a closer look at the cost of being in college.
College students read on the quad.
Getty Images

Saving for your education... again

Sep 12, 2008
Thinking of changing careers? More employers are offering lifelong learning accounts. Think of it as a 401(k) plan for your future education. Katie Macpherson reports.

Day in the Work Life: Stress counselor

Sep 12, 2008
On this week's A Day in the Work Life, we meet Jim Yancey, a counselor helping residents of the Gulf Coast cope with the stress of hurricane season.

For public good, not for profit.

Getting Personal

Sep 12, 2008
In this edition of Getting Personal, Chris and Tess talk about filling a gap in health insurance, retirement savings options for non-citizens, a safe place for short-term investments and what to do with old savings.
Getting Personal

Bracing your finances for a storm

Sep 12, 2008
We often hear about the damage big storms cause, but they can also wreak havoc on the bank accounts of families stuck in their path. David Martin Davies reports.

The silver lining? Lower mortgage rates

Sep 12, 2008
As the government stepped in to save Fannie and Freddie, mortgage rates dropped under 6 percent. Host Tess Vigeland asks's Greg McBride if the more favorable rates will hold.
Acquiring a mortgage loan