Twitter users have spoken. Most of them want Elon Musk out.
Dec 19, 2022

Twitter users have spoken. Most of them want Elon Musk out.

This is according to a poll from the billionaire ... will he follow suit? Also, we tell you what things to look for if you're worried about a recession. The BBC reports on a biodiversity summit in Canada.

Segments From this episode

We probably aren't in a recession — but these indicators will tell us if and when we are

Dec 19, 2022
Some signs are already flashing red. Job creation and consumer spending, though, are still chugging along.
“The labor market is still strong," said ZipRecruiter's Julia Pollak. But if it weakens, the U.S. economy may have already entered a recession.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

The team

Meredith Garretson Morbey Senior Producer
Alex Schroeder Producer
Erika Soderstrom Producer
Redmond Carolipio Digital Producer
Ariana Rosas Producer
Jarrett Dang Digital Producer (gone fishing)
Jesson Duller Media Producer
Brian Allison Technical Director
Nick Esposito Media Producer
Katie Barnfield Producer, BBC
James Graham Producer, BBC
Jo Critcher Producer, BBC