Theatre jobs are still recovering from pandemic shocks
Theatres were one set of businesses that were hit hardest by pandemic shutdowns, which forced many workers to be cut or furloughed. We check in with the Minneapolis-based Children's Theatre Company to see how things are going. Today's Producer Price Index data confirms what other recent inflation data is showing: rising prices aren't slowing down nearly fast enough. And, a new report from the Congressional Budget Office says that the U.S. could default on its debt as soon as July should Congress fail to agree to raise the debt limit.
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The team
David Brancaccio
Leanna Byrne
Host, BBC
Meredith Garretson Morbey
Senior Producer
Alex Schroeder
Erika Soderstrom
Ariana Rosas
Jarrett Dang
Digital Producer (gone fishing)
Jesson Duller
Media Producer
Brian Allison
Technical Director
Nick Esposito
Media Producer
James Graham
Producer, BBC
Jo Critcher
Producer, BBC
Olie D'Albertanson
Producer, BBC