Student loan forgiveness should boost your credit score — eventually
Oct 5, 2022

Student loan forgiveness should boost your credit score — eventually

Oct 5, 2022
Plus, Kai and Kimberly answer more of your questions on the peso, the pandemic and pumpkin pie.

We’re a nation of student loan debtors. Wiping out up to $20,000 of that debt should boost each borrower’s score, right? On this Whaddya Wanna Know Wednesday, we have to let one listener down easy. Plus, Kai Ryssdal and Kimberly Adams answer more of your questions on the peso, the pandemic and pumpkin pie.

Here’s everything we talked about today:

If you’ve got a question about the economy, business or technology, let us know. We’re at [email protected] or leave us a message at 508-U-B-SMART.

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