How is it that we’re still spending so much?
Dec 3, 2024

How is it that we’re still spending so much?

Folks in America are spendy this holiday season — especially online. We'll unpack the data.

Segments From this episode

Let's do the numbers for online shopping

Data on consumer spending this holiday season is all over the place. Adobe Analytics calculates we spent nearly $11 billion online; Salesforce puts it at $17.5 billion. Let’s discuss with Sucharita Kodali, vice president of research and advisory firm Forrester.

What's behind the "soft girl" movement

Some social media trends are niche; some reflect wider trends; others are spin, if not propaganda. In the U.S., you’ll see #TradWife, an embracing of women as homemakers and men as breadwinners. A similar trend is afoot in Sweden.

The team

Leanna Byrne Host, BBC
Kelly Silvera Executive Producer
Meredith Garretson Morbey Senior Producer
Alex Schroeder Producer
Erika Soderstrom Producer
Ariana Rosas Producer
Nic Perez Director/Producer
Dylan Miettinen Digital Producer
John Bruington Media Producer
Jesson Duller Media Producer
Brian Allison Technical Director
James Graham Producer, BBC
Jo Critcher Producer, BBC
Naomi Rainey Producer, BBC