Household net worth soared during the pandemic

Dragon Claws/Getty Images
The pandemic was a financial rollercoaster for many, but it turns out the median household saw a 37% jump in net worth from 2019 to 2022 after adjusting for inflation.
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Music from the episode
"Listen to Your Heart." "No." Cheekface
The team
David Brancaccio
Leanna Byrne
Host, BBC
Kelly Silvera
Executive Producer
Meredith Garretson Morbey
Senior Producer
Alex Schroeder
Erika Soderstrom
Ariana Rosas
Nic Perez
Dylan Miettinen
Digital Producer
Jesson Duller
Media Producer
Brian Allison
Technical Director
Nick Esposito
Media Producer
James Graham
Producer, BBC
Jo Critcher
Producer, BBC
Naomi Rainey
Producer, BBC
Lis Mahy
Producer, BBC