Jens Schlueter/AFP via Getty Images
No longer facing the blistering demand for microchips seeing during the peak of the pandemic, chip-making giants like AMD and Intel are seeing their profits decrease. We look into what that says about the wider malaise seen in the tech sector. The BBC reports on one 22-year-old Princeton student's tool to detect AI-generated text. And, an early farewell to the iconic Boeing 747, which formally stopped being produced this week.
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Music from the episode
Baby Steps It's Butter
The team
David Brancaccio
Meredith Garretson Morbey
Senior Producer
Alex Schroeder
Erika Soderstrom
Ariana Rosas
Jarrett Dang
Digital Producer (gone fishing)
Jesson Duller
Media Producer
Brian Allison
Technical Director
Nick Esposito
Media Producer
Katie Barnfield
Producer, BBC
James Graham
Producer, BBC
Jo Critcher
Producer, BBC