Maria Hollenhorst is based in Los Angeles, California.
She produces content for Marketplace’s flagship broadcast including host interviews, economic explainers, and personal stories for the “Adventures in Housing” and “My Economy” series. Her work has been recognized by the Association for Business Journalists Best in Business Awards.
When not making radio, she can be found hiking, skiing, jogging, roller-blading, or exploring this beautiful world. Originally from Salt Lake City, Utah, she wound her way into journalism after graduating from the University of Utah. She has a deep appreciation for trees.
Latest Stories (455)
What the "Spinal Tap" lawsuit means for Hollywood
Adriene Hill
and Maria Hollenhorst
Apr 26, 2017
The creators of the beloved mockumentary are taking on Hollywood accounting practices in a $400 million lawsuit.
Why boom-bust oil prices may be here to stay
Kai Ryssdal
and Maria Hollenhorst
Apr 18, 2017
Robert McNally's 'Crude Volatility' looks at the cycle in a historical context.
How Charles Shaw wine became Two Buck Chuck
Kai Ryssdal
and Maria Hollenhorst
Apr 18, 2017
It wasn't always cheap, and it wasn't always sold by Trader Joe's.
This artist cuts up cash and uses it for collage
Kai Ryssdal
and Maria Hollenhorst
Apr 7, 2017
Artist Mark Wagner uses U.S. currency to make his intricate collages.
How crowdfunding is democratizing real estate investing
Molly Wood
and Maria Hollenhorst
Mar 30, 2017
Crowdfunding platform founder Rodrigo Nino says the JOBS Act opened access to one of the best assets in the world.