Eric Molinsky

Latest Stories (4)

Know who's really into action figures these days? Adults.

Feb 19, 2014
A dispatch from the New York Toy Fair.

How much is a save worth? Mariano Rivera to retire

Mar 11, 2013
The Yankees’ relief pitcher will finally hang up his cleats after this season. Rivera changed the way baseball owners look at the value of a great closer.

Augmented reality is... virtually here

Mar 8, 2013
Google’s computer eyeglasses are just one device in a fast-growing field called augmented reality. This kind of technology has been around for a while, but it hasn’t really caught on. Until now.

Brands amp up their Generation X appeal

Jan 4, 2013
Generation X is aging into a sweet spot for advertisers. The 35- to 50-year-old crowd is ready to buy cars, homes and other big-ticket items. How will established brands appeal to the notoriously cynical, frugal generation?