Beth Teitell

Latest Stories (18)

Boston 'Flab' Party

Apr 9, 2013
The year's almost up on the challenge from Boston's mayor for the city to lose one million pounds.

When cars themselves are backseat drivers

Mar 18, 2013
Commentator Beth Teitell on the downsides of increasingly intelligent car technology.

What to expect from wedding websites

Feb 12, 2013
Commentator Beth Teitell on the new era of wedding wed-sites.

'Downton Abbey' and the spoiler problem

Jan 7, 2013
Commentator Beth Teitell talks about the spoiler problem with T.V dramas.

What gift to get for the person with no interests?

Dec 18, 2012
The billions of dollars spent on holiday shopping each year leaves out one big piece of the gift-giving puzzle.

Can posting calorie counts save us from ourselves?

Oct 15, 2012
Commentator Beth Teitell on whether knowing what we're eating will affect how much we eat.

Do you have a case of social media depression?

Jul 23, 2012
Commentator Beth Teitell on how social media "friends" erode confidence with sunny status updates and photos of perfect children.

A thin line between health and unhealthy obsession

Jun 12, 2012
The high-tech activity gadget Fitbit helps people track their steps. But some people may take using these types of devices a step too far.