Fewer Americans are walking these days. What gives?

Nov 14, 2023
Linda Poon, staff writer at Bloomberg CityLab, talks about her reporting on why walking trips have declined since the start of the pandemic.
The U.S. "has generally not had a great walking track record compared to other countries. Cities here are generally built around cars," said Linda Poon, staff writer at Bloomberg CityLab.
Joe Raedle/Getty Image

In "American Ramble," a 26-day walk reveals a "profoundly different" nation

Mar 28, 2023
Neil King Jr. reflects on his history-rich journey from Washington, D.C., to New York City.
On his journey from Washington, D.C., to New York, Neil King Jr. passed through Pennsylvania farmland and absorbed impressions of American history.
Brandon Eastwood/AFP via Getty Images

By foot, by train, by bus: when the total daily commute stretches to six hours

Aug 17, 2018
Nationwide, most people still commute to work by car; 85 percent according to the 2016 census. Some people don’t have that option. People who don’t own vehicles often rely on public transportation, and in Dallas, 54 percent of people who do that spend at least 45 minutes commuting, each way. One Texan has a commute that’s considerably […]
Dallas resident Chris Crowley commutes three hours each way to his job at Home Depot.
Allison V. Smith for Marketplace

There should be a lane for that

Jul 30, 2015
Move aside, smartphone users.

China creates a texting lane

Sep 15, 2014
They're really worried about texting-related collisions.

What makes a city walkable?

Jan 3, 2013
According to urban planner Jeff Speck, designing cities for cars makes cities "crappy," but making a city walkable is no easy task.