Marketplace for Thursday, August 27, 2009
Aug 27, 2009

Marketplace for Thursday, August 27, 2009


Marketplace for Thursday, August 27, 2009

Segments From this episode

Tribes build business beyond casinos

Aug 27, 2009
Native American tribes that run casinos are expanding to new ventures as changing markets affect gaming. Now tribal portfolios are incorporating everything from malls to chocolate factories. Brian Bull reports.

Bailed-out firms not your best stock bet

Aug 27, 2009
In the last few weeks, AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have all bounced big time -- and taxpayers are big investors in all three. But Amy Scott tells us why it might not be a good idea to invest even though these seem like hot stocks.

Is the FDIC too big to fail?

Aug 27, 2009
Today the FDIC announced its rescue fund dropped by 20% in the second quarter. How concerned should we be about the solvency of the FDIC? Tess Vigeland talks to former FDIC chairman Bill Isaac.
FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair announces the bank and thrift industry earnings for the second quarter of 2009 in Washington, D.C. on August 27, 2009.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Economists don't believe in soulmates

Aug 27, 2009
Economist Betsey Stevenson isn't your typical wedding guest. While most ceremony attendees are thinking love and romance, she's listening for the contract in the vows. She explains why searching for a partner is like searching for a job.

Job lows don't mean volunteer highs

Aug 27, 2009
Many people are out of work or under-employed because of the recession, so you might think they'd use their free time to volunteer. Not so -- a new report out today shows that Americans are donating less of their time. Jeff Tyler reports.

Fed thinks disclosure is a bad idea

Aug 27, 2009
The Federal Reserve Board is trying to head off a court order to reveal, by the end of the month, which banks accepted trillions of dollars worth of emergency loans from the Fed to stay afloat. John Dimsdale reports

Drawing close in times of disaster

Aug 27, 2009
One bright spot that tends to emerge out of calamity is a renewed sense of community. Author Rebecca Solnit's book explores how this trend emerged in five disasters, including Hurricane Katrina. She talks to Tess Vigeland.

Pharmacy fulfills needs of terminally ill

Aug 27, 2009
Competition among big drug store chains has gotten so fierce that no market is off limits. One regional pharmacy chain is looking to stand out by adding services for the terminally ill. Joel Rose reports.

Marketplace for Thursday, August 27, 2009

Music from the episode

Uninvisible Medeski, Martin & Wood
Talking In Your Sleep The Romantics