So … you ever record anyone at work?
Aug 17, 2018

So … you ever record anyone at work?


No judgement if you did. Verbally promised promotions can go up in a poof of smoke and proving a boss or co-worker is abusive is a lot easier when you have solid proof. But there are a few things you should think about before you hit that record button. Then: Public transportation doesn't cost a lot of money, but for people who rely on it to get to work, transit can cost a lot of time. We'll look at "time poverty" and how it affects American workers. Plus, we do the numbers on the streaming TV arms race.

Segments From this episode

By foot, by train, by bus: when the total daily commute stretches to six hours

Aug 17, 2018
Nationwide, most people still commute to work by car; 85 percent according to the 2016 census. Some people don’t have that option. People who don’t own vehicles often rely on public transportation, and in Dallas, 54 percent of people who do that spend at least 45 minutes commuting, each way. One Texan has a commute that’s considerably […]
Dallas resident Chris Crowley commutes three hours each way to his job at Home Depot.
Allison V. Smith for Marketplace

To record your co-worker, or not to record?

Aug 17, 2018
Sometimes it's legal, but is it a good idea?
Photo Illustration by Spencer Platt/Getty Images

No judgement if you did. Verbally promised promotions can go up in a poof of smoke and proving a boss or co-worker is abusive is a lot easier when you have solid proof. But there are a few things you should think about before you hit that record button. Then: Public transportation doesn’t cost a lot of money, but for people who rely on it to get to work, transit can cost a lot of time. We’ll look at “time poverty” and how it affects American workers. Plus, we do the numbers on the streaming TV arms race.

Music from the episode

C.R.E.A.M. Wu-Tang Clan
Aretha Pete Rock
Hanging Gardens Classixx
Afria Talks to You Delicate Steve
Invocation of the Duke daKAH Hip Hop Orchestra