Marketplace AM for January 12, 2006
Jan 12, 2006

Marketplace AM for January 12, 2006

Stories You Might Like Security costs after last week’s Capitol attack Impeachment weighed against Biden’s economic agenda Here’s what you need to know about SPACs China’s 18.3% jump in GDP is impressive, but skewed What regulators came up with when they met about market volatility Today’s the day for an update on jobs and pandemic […]

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Growth through innovation

Jan 12, 2006
Bold predictions abound that by 2030, if not sooner, China will become the world's largest economy. But getting there may depend on more than just making stuff for really cheap. To sustain that growth, China needs to move up the food chain. For our Sustainability Desk, Sam Eaton reports from the southern city of Shenzen near Hong Kong.