Marketplace Money for Friday, October 7, 2011
Oct 7, 2011

Marketplace Money for Friday, October 7, 2011


We learn some tips from the Consumers Union on how to make that transition as pain-free as possible. Those "free" checking accounts may never have been free to begin with. Humorist Kristina Wong wonders why more Americans aren't taking to the street, considering there are many reasons for citizens to get angry (bank fees included). Some formerly abused are learning to manage money, as a means to protect themselves. And we learned the appeal of financial blogging.

Segments From this episode

What's in your wallet, Liz Weston?

We take a peek into the wallet of personal finance columnist Liz Weston, whose job is to teach others how to keep more cash in their wallets.

How free are those 'free' checking accounts?

Oct 6, 2011
There's a huge uproar over the fees many banks are proposing, but those checking accounts may never have been free to begin with.

Letters: Credit scores, the Fed's Operation Twist

Oct 6, 2011
We dig into the Marketplace Money mailbag to see what you think of our stories.

A call to arms, Americans

Oct 6, 2011
Americans have a lot to fume about -- still-high unemployment, disappearing retirement accounts, the increasing rich-poor gap. Humorist Kristina Wong wonders why more Americans aren't expressing that anger.

How to switch banks, the smart way

Oct 7, 2011
Many people are gearing up to switch banks -- to ones with little or no fees. We learn some tips on how to make that transition as smoothly as possible.
A broken piggy bank.

The wide world of financial blogging

Oct 7, 2011
There are hundreds of financial blogs -- people tackling mountains of debt, explaining financial concepts. Tess Vigeland went to a financial blogger conference to learn why readers find these blogs so appealing.
A seminar at the First Annual Financial Blogger Conference in Schaumberg, Ill.
Jesse Michelsen/Flickr

Piggy Bank Awards: An innovative job search

Oct 7, 2011
This week's winner is a college grad who chose a unique way to put himself in front of employers in a big way.
Shelby Burford's napkin resume
Shelby Burford

Getting Personal: How to invest, to save or pay down a debt?

Oct 7, 2011
Tess Vigeland and personal finance columnist Liz Weston answer listeners' personal finance questions.

Empowering women through financial literacy

Oct 7, 2011
Domestic violence issues often stem from financial disputes. A program in New York is helping abused women regain control by teaching them financial literacy.

We learn some tips from the Consumers Union on how to make that transition as pain-free as possible. Those "free" checking accounts may never have been free to begin with. Humorist Kristina Wong wonders why more Americans aren't taking to the street, considering there are many reasons for citizens to get angry (bank fees included). Some formerly abused are learning to manage money, as a means to protect themselves. And we learned the appeal of financial blogging.