Raymond Thibodeaux

Latest Stories (32)

Obama to visit India to discuss business relations

Nov 5, 2010
President Barack Obama will be visiting India during Diwali holiday festivities. India hasn't been too happy with the U.S.'s interaction with it's rival Pakistan. Will Indians feel more forgiving during the Festival of Lights?

Obama travels to India to talk about the economy and jobs

Nov 5, 2010
President Obama will arrive in India's commercial capital of Mumbai to pry open India's markets to more U.S. businesses in defense, banking, retail and agriculture, and in the process create more jobs back home. Raymond Thibodeaux reports.

India plugs in to low-cost solar

Oct 20, 2010
In recent years, India has made headlines by making manufactured items smaller and cheaper. There's the $2,500 car and the $35 computer. The country is also home to a novel approach to low-cost solar power. Raymond Thibodeaux reports.

Indian brides tricked into abandonment

Oct 14, 2010
Indian families are usually keen to marry their daughters off to men overseas, who are seen to have better prospects. But there's little these families can do if the groom takes their dowries and lavish gifts before abandoning the bride. Raymond Thibodeaux reports from New Delhi.

India to crack down on discrimination in private sector?

Sep 21, 2010
India's government is attempting to reduce caste discrimination in the country by setting employment quotas for some of India's lowest caste members. It made a move into the private industry by asking India's largest companies to disclose which castes their employees are from.

Young Tibetans make success in India

Sep 15, 2010
The new generation of Tibetans are taking advantage of India's economic rise. Unlike their parents who laid low, for the most part, in India, younger Tibetans are using their entrepreneurial spirit to make Tibetans an essential part of the Indian economy.

India's tea farmers see hope in co-ops

Sep 14, 2010
India's tea trade hasn't changed much in 150 years, since British colonials started cultivating it there. But changes are brewing. Raymond Thibodeaux reports.

Bollywood actor firm on butt insurance

Aug 31, 2010
Indian cinema, better known as Bollywood, is one of the world's fastest-growing industries. It made $2 billion last year and analysts expect it to double by 2014 as more Indian films go global. The rising stakes have led to what could be the next new thing in Bollywood. Raymond Thibodeaux reports.

New rules may help India watch NGOs

Aug 25, 2010
A recent Indian government survey found more than 3 million nongovernmental organizations are registered in the country. That's one NGO for every 400 Indians. While the government appreciates the help, it says that might too many. Raymond Thibodeaux reports from New Delhi.

India travelers worry over BlackBerry

Aug 24, 2010
The Indian government continues to insist that it will cripple all Blackberry devices in the country if the smartphone company doesn't agree to unlock some of its private data. But the government is facing new pressure to back down from its threats from business travelers and visitors. Raymond Thibodeaux reports.